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Durata: 215 min

Genere: Drammatico

Lingua: Inglese sottotitolato in italiano

Regia: B. CORBET

Con: A. Brody, F. Jones, G. Pearce, A. Nivola, A. Nivola

László Tóth is a Jewish architect who emigrated from Hungary to the USA in 1947. Forced to work hard and live in poverty, he soon obtains a contract that will change the course of his life for the next thirty years.

215 min

Genere: Drammatico

Lingua: Inglese sottotitolato in italiano

Regia: B. CORBET

Con: A. Brody, F. Jones, G. Pearce, A. Nivola, A. Nivola

László Tóth is a Jewish architect who emigrated from Hungary to the USA in 1947. Forced to work hard and live in poverty, he soon obtains a contract that will change the course of his life for the next thirty years.
In inglese sottotitolato in italiano
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